On-line Classes:
Start Anytime!!!    

Color, Crystals, & Chakras 
Fee: $60

Angel Magic  
Fee: $60

Magic of the Holy Bible 
Fee: $60

African Orishas Studies 
Fee:  $60

Learn how the use of color, crystals, and chakra balancing can transform your life.  This class is a must for true seekers.This class offers professional training & certification.   
This class is an introductory class in Yoruba, Ifa and the African Orishas.  The student will learn about the Yoruba Religious Practices, rituals, spells, beliefs, etc.  Additional requirements must be met for those who desire to go on, and who seek initiation.
Understand creation, angels, and how to work with the angels to better your life, through angel rituals and magic.This class is full of amazement and will greatly enrich your life.  Angelology Certificate

This is a Bible class probably like no other.  This class covers the secrets of the Bible, magic spells, names, rituals, healings, meditations, business success, relationships, etc. Students are ordained upon completions.  All material is contained in the Bible for your use.