Healing the Past
A weekend of Spiritual Healing,
Awareness, and Power for the mind, body, and affairs.
If you are making the same mistakes, having the same problems, the same relationship issues, or can't release the past, heal your body, increase your financial status, balance your life...
attend this event and permanently break the cycle!

Speaker: Dr. Joy Spaulding
of The Spiritual Center of Joy, MoreJoy Program, and Unlimited Joy
known for, practices and teaches alternative healing methods, meditation, in-depth spiritual and life counseling, crystal and color therapy, spiritual, personal and professional life coaching, chakra balancing, reflexology, healing touch,
angel magic, Ifa and orisha worship.

Starting on Friday, April 13, 2012 at 6PM -
and ending Sunday, April 15, 2012 at 6PM
in New Orleans, Louisiana
or attend the LIVE webinar
in the comfort of your own choosing
on your computer.

The Program includes:
Healing Past Karmic Debts
Healing Ancestral Debts
Healing the Family Tree
Healing the Family-mind, body, and emotions
Revealing Your Demons
Forgiving Yourself - Forgiving Others
Breaking the Curse...the Blocks...the Barriers
Changing Your Mind
Loving Yourself
Healing the Soul
Your Spiritual Tune-Up
Designing Your New Life Roadmap
Living Your Dream

(This will be a very emotionally intense weekend-
but the rewards will be tremendous)

Don't Miss It!

Cost: $550 per LIVE Attendee (includes materials & meals)
Online Webinar Cost: $375 per LIVE Webinar Attendee
(includes materials for 1 person)
Early Registration: Feb.1 - Mar. 16
Space is limited, so get your reservation in now!

Late registrations after March 16 for in person attendance will be $600
We will max out at 500 Webinar seats 
Late registrants cannot be guaranteed a seat, but will be accepted if space is available.  Major credit cards accepted.
Live Attendees Late Cancellations (after Mar. 16),
will forfeit $225 non-refundable deposit. 

Candles, books, crystals, herbs, and other healing and ancillary products
will also be available. 

Dr. Joy and other Spiritual Healers will also be available for private consultations and coaching sessions.

All event participants will receive a 50% discount on their MoreJoy Membership by reimbursement,
and all MoreJoy Members will receive a 50% discount on their participation in the seminar/webinar.

Blessings to all.  See you there!

Click here to Register for this Event
Click here to Register for this Event
Spiritual Center of Joy
Spiritual Retreats
Click here to Register for this Online Webinar
Click here to Register for this Online Webinar